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                Terms and Conditions

Welcome to Tashtibat one of the most important mobile applications that allow you to quickly and easily request services.
By using Tashtibat, you must agree to all terms and conditions assigned by Tashtibat.
Before joining Tashtibat and benefiting from its services and tools, you must carefully read and agree to all terms, conditions and controls.
Participation will be done by opening an account that contains a mobile number for the customer and an email for the company, and this account will be the approved one, and you will be responsible for all activities issued by him.
Terms of use.The service can be requested from all various sections of Tashtibat, avoiding the following points.
 Violation of laws, terms and conditions
Ask for wrong, misleading and false services
Violating the rights of others
 Spreading viruses and harmful emails
Copying, modifying, or publishing someone else's content
Using other people's information and data without consent
Find a transgression and abuse of others or a field
Advertising poorly on a competing product in the market
Seizing other people's money by means of fraud and fraud
As it will delete any service that contains the following things
Services that contain spyware, hacking programs, hackers, and viruses
Services that contain medicines, analgesics and steroids that are prohibited by law
Services that contain drugs, alcoholic beverages and psychotropic substances
Services that contain human and industrial organs
Services that contain prostitution, massages and porn movies
Services that contain weapons and clothing for the army, police and some private parties
Services that contain stolen goods and counterfeit or expired goods
Services that contain antiquities, treasures and precious metals
Services that contain chemical and incendiary materials
Services that contain acquaintance, marriage and friendship
Services that contain val, magic, sorcery, and blocking
Services containing fireworks and harmful explosive materials
Services that contain bogus projects, fraud and fraud
Services that contain personal documents and financial records of others
Services that contain loans and financial aid
Services that contain political, religious and social matters that are prohibited from being circulated
In general, every advertisement violates the laws of the country ....
 Observe the following conditions when posting on Tashtibat
Not to post services with wrong pictures
Not to publish services in the wrong sections
Not to publish services with unreasonable prices
Do not post fake services
Fees and services
Services on Tashtibat are completely free for the customer. As for companies, fees are required according to the type of package chosen, as the basic package is free and the gold package is paid
Liability limits

 Tahtibat application is not responsible for any content posted by other users, nor does the site guarantee the accuracy of advertisements or existing contact information.
Companies with private commercial activities whose work requires obtaining some approvals and permits from specific government agencies must have all licenses and permits.  We, as a finishing application, are not responsible for the non-availability of this with the registered company and are not responsible for any material or moral damage that may occur as a result.
The website or application is not obligated to compensate any user

The user is required to provide compensation to any third party who files a complaint against him for violating the terms and conditions of the site or application.
Intellectual property

All rights and property reserved to Dream Company for Web Development.


Notice :

The terms and conditions can be changed or modified at any time, and the Tashtibat website or application will notify you immediately.
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